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Are you that person that is always caring  for others and neglecting you?

Meanwhile it is great to put your self out there and become momma bear but bare in mind you need to take time to care for you.


- Run a bath, light a candle and read a book. Sit down relax and put down the shiny blue screen away and take in the simple things of life.


- Take a stroll along a favourite spot to clear the mind whether its a nature walk, stroll along the beach or your a local park. Just being outside in nature does something incredible for the mind and body.


- Create a picnic lunch for one, bring an umbrella, a rug and spend some time unwinding watching the world past by.


- Treat your self ! shopping? massage? manicures? do it all ! don't be afraid to spend your hard earned money on you. 

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Reuse and recycle and help towards a better tomorrow, every little bit counts.


- Recycle right ! empty your recyclables (Tin, cardboard, hard plastics) and make sure they are going in the right bin making sure you leave the plastic bags to the rubbish bin.


- Soft plastics can be there own recycle bin such as plastic bags, food wrappers, cereal liners, and anything that is flexible and soft.

Most Woolworths and Coles have REDcycle bins which makes it easy to grab your soft plastic recycling bag and bring it with you to your next shop.


- Donate clothes to charity's, friends, family or even try up cycling old clothes

eg: old T-shirt can be cut into crop tops, Jeans into shorts.


- Compost your scraps it is the best fertiliser for your garden and house plants and saves money buying expensive fertilising from stores.

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Free your mind and bring out your creative side.


- At home with the kids? Ditch the shops and use items around the house like old toilet rolls, cardboard, paper and get the mind flowing.


- Chalk is a fun way to get messy without a messy clean up, create fun pictures/scenery on driveways and pavements then let the rain wash it away.


- Learn to paint classes are fun and anyone can try, loads of tutorials out there just put it on the tv and follow along.

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You know what they say, you are what you eat, and they are right.

Starting the day off with a good healthy breakfast can really kick start your day.

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It's in our hands.

Swap these everyday house hold  items for a better alternative.


- Plastic for Bio degradable waste bags

- Plastic drink bottle for metal or glass bottle

- Single use plastic containers for reusable 

- Paper towel for fabric cloths

- Plastic tooth brush for bamboo

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Who doesn't want flawless glowing skin,  the answer is its an unrealistic expectation, however having a good skin care routine can help get rid of all the dirt build up and will help you feeling fresh, confident and ready for a new day.


- Double cleansing will help you double your chances of getting rid of all that dirt stuck deep in your pores which causes breakouts.


- Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise !

Our skin wants to feel moisture and freshness not dry and flaky, like we've been stranded in the Sahara desert so remember to keep your skin moisturised! 


- Save some time and opt for a moisturiser/SPF+  lotion this helps by protecting your skin from those harmful UV rays. Trust me this is your best friend.


- DRINK WATER, we are made up of 60% H20 so we need to feed the body what we run off, if you forget there are many apps that will send you reminders.


- Rinse your make up brushes regularly, Think of all the sweat and bacteria build up that we are putting straight back onto our skin, so regular makeup brush washes will help.

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don't know about you but plants make everything better and what is more better than creating a new plant from one you've propagated! your own little plant baby.


  1. Start with a healthy mother plant.

  2. Use a soil-less mix.

  3. Rooting powder is a great aid.

  4. New cuttings need bright light but not direct sunlight.

  5. Keep evenly moist throughout the process.

  6. Keep an eye on humidity.

  7. When roots have developed from the cutting, transfer them to pots with normal potting soil.

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